Monday, November 13, 2006



I will forever love that song. It carries such a harmonious melody of God's divine love for His creation.

I think about the beauty in my flower garden. The purple hues of cosmos. The brilliant red of geraniums. The delicate pinks of impatience. The vibrant yellow of mums. The varigated greens of stems and leaves.

I think about the height of giant sunflowers. The fragility of roses protected by thorns. The swaying of daisies in a summer's gentle breeze. The giggles of tiny violets shaded by stately zinnias. Their individuality forms such a myriad of grandeur.

I inhale the perfume wafting in the air. Roses, lilacs, lavendar and sage. Can one be valued more than the other? I suppose that is the case. Some like peppermint, others cinnamon. Some prefer sweet hyacinths to musty geraniums. Some prefer concrete to dark composted earth, too.

The difference is that one is man-made, the other created by God. And in thinking about the harmony in red and yellow, black and white, I am reminded not only of my beautiful garden produced by my Father. I'm reminded of the diversity He's given me in friendship. Mexican, Chinese, African and English. How great is their contribution to my little world of me.

I consider the wheat that flourishes around me. Methodist, Catholic, Church of Christ, and Pentecostal. What joy my brothers and sisters give me as they grow in rows nearby my Baptist garden.

I pray for the tares the Master Gardener allows to grow among us all. I do not worry or fret over them. For the Master has a plan. His design is so superior to mine. I water too much. I prune too harshly. I fertilize unnecessarily. And plant too late.

But my God knows exactly what to do with the efforts I give freely and sometimes grudgingly. He knows when to coddle. He knows when to withdraw. He knows all there is to know. He's written the Book on perennials and annuals. He has it all timed just perfectly. A time to wither, to fall to the earth, to die. A time to rest, restore, burst forth and live. And then over and over again we sing the melodios song: WONDERFUL WORDS OF LIFE. [copyrighted, 2006, SelahV]

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